Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Another Week 83 - Top 20, Handshakes., Tibetan monks..


Teachings and stuff
Journeying on Foot

I woke up with 'entity' being the only memory of a dream I had..; I know who it was about.,

Some people are like Apple., the logo  (the company) Apple.; they're masters of self marketing, branding..
of networking -
but what about Samsung people.. what about
the primark people

What have we learned., really. We hunch our shoulders and frown when it's raining., we hunch our shoulders and frown when it's windy.; we hunch our shoulders and frown when it's sunny and we hunch our shoulders and frown when it's cold.. We just hunch our shoulders and frown a lot.. Most of this is also done with our hands in our pockets too.. We hunch our shoulders and frown when approached by someone asking us to take their holiday photo.. Great aesthetics
We smoke a lot., roll our own cigarettes a lot too. We wear 'formal' gear for leisure and we think we're fantastic ALL the time. It's barely 47 degrees F NOT considering the wind chill factor., no matter what it looks like
We never imagine., or even think whether we're seen., or even care.. We never stop to think if we impact others.., or how.. It's just 'us'.. baby.. We simply do not care., well, unless it suits us.. aNd/or when it suits us to

Do you believe that you have a gift., a talent..
now.,  is that talent as big as The Beatles
as big as the goldfish bowl on your kitchen worktop
Is that gift., or/and talent
going to make it as far as Hull., or will it make it
to the Upper Gardens
Will it make it beyond the 600 Facebook friends you have
or simply remain as big as 
the six  friends that always comment  on your page
What is talent and how do we recognize it
Can someone help me, please

Top 20 coolest places.; as long as you stay close to your car, your overgrown hedge, your comfort zone and only venture to certain hot spots  (or to support those events) on certain (regular) days/nights AND you ignore the other stuff.
The Square at 5 becomes a skate park
The Gardens provide benches to sleep on
the caps on the ground shake to the sounds of another 50p hitting them
How's that coffee shop culture working out for you
Are you keeping warm and dry
Latte big enough for you
Digital culture offering you answers ?

.. do you even know there is a penny whistler

how many people actually stop to check out how far, or long it takes., to walk to the next sign

Groovy baby
jolly good show ole man

When you use Colgate products to clean your teeth all the time., you've got no idea what other products are out there., unless you stop at aisle 13, check out and read the other stuff

Approval ratings down the toilet

Which side of that fence do you really live on

those fountains are closed down for several months

I have 'this' thing when I go to a gallery to see an art deal.. I may not find the art erm 'to my liking'., BUT., I always challenge myself to find one piece that I could take home
I'm not quite sure what that means., or tells me about myself., but I do get  a nasty 'shiver' down my spine when I have to inhale somebody's secondhand cigarette smoke.
If you have a dairy allergy, do you eat dairy products, if you have a nut allergy, do you eat nuts (?); then you'll  understand my smoking thing; the worse thing you're having to deal with  when you pass by me, is the oxygen I exhale or the toothpaste remnants I've used 

What you don't want to hear from your pilot.."we have a loose snake on the plane.. and we don't know where it is.."

Yep., here's to our place., in the top 20 grooviest places to live


all it takes is a smile
I think

warm heart

I don't have either
I am working on

local eccentrics with no filter and loud voices

Thanks this week go/goes to - Country Walking - Hiking - Norway - Belief - Chau Smith - Minasie Theophilis - Ginger Jones Sprouse - Debbie Bolton and Eileen Eagle Bears

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